POWERVR graphics technology is based on a concept called Tile Based Deferred Rendering (TBDR). In contrast to Immediate Mode Rendering (IMR) used by most graphics engines in the PC and games console worlds, TBDR focuses on minimising the processing required to render an image as early in the processing of a scene as possible, so that only the pixels that actually will be seen by the end user consume processing resources. This approach minimises memory and power while improving processing throughput but it is more complex. Imagination Technologies has refined this challenging technology to the point where it dominates the mobile markets for 3D graphics rendering, backed up by an extensive patent portfolio.
Tile based rendering was covered in a previous tutorial. There I described the normal graphics process as having two distinct phases, a geometric transformation one and a drawing one:
for each triangle
- transform it and light it
- project to 2d
- clip it to the window
- check visibility (usually done with z-buffer hardware) and if its visible
- interpolate lighting
- fetch textures to draw on it
- write the pixel with alpha blending if necessary

This is a significant factor in the DTV world. We have relatively few triangles and huge numbers of pixels to deal with. This "overdraw" - calculating a pixels colour more than once - is a major performance factor for us.
Deferred rendering/shading rewrites the graphics pipeline like this:
for each triangle
- transform it and light it
- project to 2d
- clip it to the window
- check visibility (including overlap) and store reference if necessary
for each pixel on the screen
- interpolate lighting
- fetch textures to draw on it
The biggest problem for deferred shaders is alpha - transparency. When a triangle is transparent, the triangle behind it is also visible, negating the benefits of the technique and forcing the rendering pipeline to store several copies of pixels, one from each triangle, during the triangle transform stage. It gets even more complex when you think about the fact that we could receive a transparent triangle, then another on top, then an opaque one on top of them - forcing the architecture to remove the first two entries and replace with one reference to the opaque triangle for efficiency. In other words a collapsable stack, performing at incredibly high speeds is required in hardware. An area rich in patents no doubt.
One last point. Deferred shading does not require a tile based architecture such as PowerVR. Indeed, many modern games used deferred shading and it is key to high rendering performance at high resolutions.
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