If its not clear yet, then I'll state it clearly. Whatever 3D graphics technology we are using in DTV in ten years time, it will be OpenGL. FLASH 10 will require OpenGL and render to it. The base of everything will be OpenGL, in one form or another.
It should be no surprise that browsers too are jumping on the OpenGL bandwagon then. The Khronos Group , the guardians of OpenGL and other related standards, has announced WebGL.
Wikipedia has this to say:
WebGL is a standard specification to display 3D graphics on web browsers. It enables hardware-accelerated rich 3D graphics in web pages without the need for special browser plug-ins, on any platform supporting OpenGL or OpenGL ES. Technically it is a binding for JavaScript to native OpenGL ES 2.0 implementation, to be built in to browsers.
So, essentially OpenGL ES 2.0 bindings in Javascript. Not yet relevant in the DTV world as we don't have OpenGL ES 2.0 hardware in most set tops or TVs yet but its coming. Browsers are part and parcel of DTV experience now and are supported by GEM based languages too. Webkit based browsers already offer a version of WebGL and the full specification will be available in 2010. In the mean time, here is a demo video:
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